Drug and Alcohol Attorney Boca Raton | FAQs About the Marchman Act

Do you have a loved one who refuses to get treatment for addiction to drugs and alcohol? Perhaps you’re desperate to save his or her life that’s why you want to learn all you can about the Marchman Act. If you haven’t had the chance to talk to a Drug and Alcohol Attorney Boca Raton about this law, here’s what you need to know:

What Exactly is the Marchman Act?

The Marchman Act is a Florida State Law that is sometimes referred to as the “Hal S. Marchman Alcohol and Other Drug Services Act of 1993”. It seeks to provide ways and means of both involuntary and voluntary assessment, stabilization, and treatment of someone who has a problem with alcohol or drugs. This means that friends or family members are allowed to petition the court to commit a person to mandatory treatment for drug or alcohol addiction or other mental illness issues.

Why Was This Law Passed?

Everybody knows that you can’t force an individual who is legally an adult (18 years old and above), to get medical treatment for anything. However, when a particular adult suffers addiction to drugs and/or alcohol or mental illness, he becomes incapable of seeking help for himself. This causes them to become a threat to themselves and to the people around them. For this reason, the Marchman Act was passed so that even those who are over the age of 18 can be forced to get treatment if their state of mind is impaired by their addiction or their mental health issue.

How Does it Work?

To ensure that no person will be thrown into a facility against their will when it’s not necessary, several steps have to be taken. The petition must be filed by the person’s spouse or a relative. If the person isn’t married or has no relatives, a group of three people must file the petition. A court-approved package must be filled out to describe the person’s drug or alcohol addiction and their destructive behavior that’s a danger to himself and others.

where is the best drug and alcohol attorney Boca Raton?

Talk to a Drug and Alcohol Attorney Boca Raton!

If you’re looking for a Drug and Alcohol Attorney Boca Raton who’s dedicated to helping people whose loved ones are suffering from mental health disorders and substance abuse, contact us at Drug and Alcohol Attorneys today. 

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