Available Treatment Options with Marchman Act

Has the court recently ordered your loved one to treatment through the Florida Marchman Act? If you haven’t had the chance to talk to your Marchman Act lawyer Florida about the treatment options that are made available to him or her, check this out.

What are the Available Treatment Options?

You can choose to have the treatment paid for privately or you can pay for it through a personal health insurance plan. Needless to say, private treatment offers more perks than the other option. However, if neither you nor the Respondent has the ability to pay for private treatment, payments may be supported by indigent programs that are funded by the state or county. The downside to the government-funded treatment is that the Marchman Act process could suffer delay since a shortage of available beds are highly likely. In other words, your loved one may be placed in a waiting list for residential treatment or a bed for detox.

How Your Marchman Act Lawyer Can Help You

While waiting for an available bed, your Marchman Act lawyer Florida will enforce compliance by your loved one of the government program’s rules that include sobriety. Any delay in the provision of immediate treatment has a significant impact on your loved one’s chance for immediate success.

Seeking Help

To avoid these potential delays, your Marchman Act lawyer Florida will come up with an alternative treatment option. He’ll work with a large network of private treatment facilities that can offer discounted rates and affordable payment plans for your loved one’s accommodation. Your loved one will be assessed and evaluated to determine the modality of treatment that’s appropriate for him or her. After considering your clinical and financial situation, he makes recommendations for treatment and presents them to you, your loved one, and the court.

where is a good marchman act lawyer florida?

Looking for a Marchman Act Lawyer Florida?

If you’re looking for a Marchman Act lawyer Florida who can make sure that your loved ones get the help they need, contact Drug and Alcohol Attorneys today to schedule a consultation.

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