Marchman Act FAQs

  1. Are Marchman Act records confidential?
  2. Can a treatment order be extended under the Marchman Act?
  3. Do I need an attorney to file a Marchman Act petition?
  4. Does the respondent need an attorney in a Marchman Act case?
  5. For what reasons can a Marchman Act petition be denied?
  6. How does the Marchman Act work?
  7. How is a Marchman Act petition filed?
  8. How is the Marchman Act different than the Baker Act?
  9. How long can someone be held for the initial assessment under the Marchman Act?
  10. How long does it take to get a Marchman Act hearing?
  11. If a person is under the Marchman Act, do they have to stay in a locked down program?
  12. If I Marchman Act someone, is the treatment provider obligated to share information with me?
  13. What are the criteria to prove a Marchman Act case?
  14. What can I expect after I file a Marchman Act petition?
  15. What happens if the respondent under the Marchman Act is not compliant with the treatment order?
  16. What if a hearing is set after filing a Marchman Act petition?
  17. What if I cannot afford the cost of treatment?
  18. What is an ex-parte petition?
  19. What is the Marchman Act?
  20. What is the maximum time that can be ordered for treatment under the Marchman Act?
  21. Where do I file Marchman Act petitions?
  22. Who can file for a child under age 18 years of age under the Marchman Act?
  23. Who can file petitions for an adult under the Marchman Act?
  24. Who is responsible for the cost of care when someone is confined under the Marchman Act?
  25. Will the respondent know a Marchman Act petition has been filed?
  26. How Substance Abuse Interventions Work Under the Marchman Act?
  27. Can I file my own Marchman Act?

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