Guardianships FAQs
- Are there professional guardians?
- Can a lawyer assist me in seeking help for a child with substance abuse problems?
- Can a respondent oppose an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
- Can an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment be renewed after the initial period?
- Do I have to be certified to be a guardian?
- Do I need a lawyer to file an ETG petition?
- How can a guardianship help parents take control of the life of their child?
- How can a permanent guardianship be used to help a young adult with substance abuse?
- How can I get emergency access to the medical records of a loved one?
- How can an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment be used to help?
- How long does an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment last?
- How does an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment affect HIPPA rights?
- How do I seek a permanent guardianship?
- How is an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment different than a determination of permanent guardianship?
- What are some legal avenues that I can take to help a child with substance abuse problems?
- What is an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
- What are the responsibilities of the guardian?
- What is the difference between a guardianship and health care directive and power of attorney?
- What is a guardianship?
- What kind of lawyer can assist me in seeking help for child with substance abuse problems?
- What rights does the petitioner have in an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
- What rights does the respondent have in an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
- When can an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment be granted?
- When do I need to seek a permanent guardianship?
- Who can seek a permanent guardianship?
- Who can be a permanent guardian?
- Who can be appointed as a guardian under an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
- Who is the respondent in an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
- Who is the petitioner in an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?