Astor Simovitch Law Blog
Who is the respondent in an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
October 07, 2018
The respondent is going to be the person who’s on the other end of the petition. We call that a ward or the AIP, the alleged incapacitated person. That’s the person over whom somebody else is trying to get control over. The petitioner, the person who’s going to the court is going to ask a […]
Who can be appointed as a guardian under an emergency temporary guardianship (ETG) appointment?
October 07, 2018
In an ETG appointment, or Emergency Temporary Guardianship appointment, it’s going to be somebody over the age of 18 years of age, who’s not a convicted felon. Typically, when we’re dealing with a young adult who has an addiction issue and/or mental illness issue, it’s going to be one of the parents, the person who […]
Who can be a permanent guardian?
October 07, 2018
Pretty much anybody could be a permanent guardian. They have to be over 18 years of age. They can’t be a convicted felon. They have to take the eight-hour guardianship course which they can take online. They may be a professional. They may be a nonprofessional, meaning somebody that’s the court has determined to be […]
Who can seek a permanent guardianship?
October 07, 2018
Anybody over the age of 18 years of age can seek a permanent guardianship. Typically, when you’re dealing with a young adult who has the disease of addiction or mental illness, it’s going to be the mother or the father, but it could be anybody, as long as they’re not a convicted felon and they’re […]