
Astor Simovitch Law Blog

Available Treatment Options with Marchman Act

April 04, 2019
Has the court recently ordered your loved one to treatment through the Florida Marchman Act? If you haven’t had the chance to talk to your Marchman Act lawyer Florida about the treatment options that are made available to him or her, check this out. What are the Available Treatment Options? You can choose to have […]
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Comparing the Marchman and Baker Act

March 14, 2019
Do you have a loved one who’s become a threat to himself or herself and to others? Does this same person refuse to get help even after a long tearful talk? Is this loved one currently residing in the state of Florida? If your answer is yes to all these questions, then it’s about time […]
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How to Get a Loved One into Rehab for Substance Abuse

February 22, 2019
Nothing’s more painful than watching a loved one struggle with substance abuse especially when they’re not willing to admit that they have a problem. When a person struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, his relationships with family and friends suffer. Your desire to help them get professional treatment may be met with hostility. Here’s a […]
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The Best Kept Secret in the Fight Against Drug Addition

January 14, 2019
The Centers for Disease Control estimate that 114 people a day die because of drugs (TIME magazine offers a much higher estimate), and 6,748 will be sent to hospital emergency rooms for treatment.  While addiction and substance abuse are undoubtedly major problems in the US, a survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration found that as […]
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