
Astor Simovitch Law Blog

Are there professional guardians?

October 07, 2018
Yes, you can hire somebody to be a guardian, and that might happen where either there’s no one to serve as the guardian for the respondent, the ward, or it might be where a family decides to petition the court to get guardianship, but they can’t decide who’s going to be the guardian, so at […]
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How Substance Abuse Interventions Work Under the Marchman Act?

October 07, 2018
Families affected by the disease of addiction face an uphill battle to convince the addict that treatment is necessary. Interventions can, and may work, but sometimes a family must take the proverbial bull by the horns and compel their loved one into treatment by taking advantage of the Marchman Act process. You may, however, have […]
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Will the respondent know a Marchman Act petition has been filed?

October 07, 2018
Typically, initially, the respondent is not going to know, because it’s a confidential filing. However, the respondent is entitled to receive notice of the hearing. After the petition is filed, it’s been reviewed, and a hearing has been set, the respondent has to receive notice. Typically it’s done by either a process server, if you’re […]
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