
Astor Simovitch Law Blog

For what reasons can a Marchman Act petition be denied?

October 07, 2018
Under the Marchman Act statute, there are several steps in the process to getting somebody court-ordered into involuntary treatment. Initially, the court is going to review the petition to determine if it’s legally sufficient. It could be denied at that step of the process, or if the court determines that it’s legally sufficient, and the […]
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Can a treatment order be extended under the Marchman Act?

October 07, 2018
A treatment order can be extended. Typically, the order is for 60 days. However, if the 60-day period is insufficient to address the respondent’s substance abuse issue, that period can be extended for 90-day increments. Typically, if you’re using an attorney, that attorney will use a court certified interventionist who can report to the court […]
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Are Marchman Act records confidential?

October 07, 2018
Marchman Act records, and in fact, even the petition itself, is confidential, so somebody can’t go onto the Clerk of Courts website, and look up and see if a petition has been filed. The records that are kept by the substance abuse treatment provider are privileged under HIPAA. Unless the respondent wants to disclose that […]
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