
Astor Simovitch Law Blog

What are the criteria to prove a Marchman Act case?

October 07, 2018
Typically, under the Marchman Act statute, you’re dealing with somebody who has lost the ability of self-control or they’ve lost self-control because of their substance abuse issues and they’re a threat to themselves. Physically, they may be a threat to somebody else. They’re not capable of making intelligent, knowing decisions, and they’re refusing to go […]
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How long does it take to get a Marchman Act hearing?

October 07, 2018
Under the Marchman Act statute, a hearing is going to be granted within ten days of the filing of the legally sufficient petition. However, that being said, typically, the courts know that these are done on an emergency basis and that the person, the respondent, is in crisis, and so typically those hearings will take […]
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How is the Marchman Act different than the Baker Act?

October 07, 2018
The Marchman Act is typically a process or procedure that’s used to assist somebody who has a substance abuse issue, whereas the Baker Act is typically a process or procedure that’s used to assist somebody who has a mental health issue. Where things get a little bit complicated is that typically somebody who has a […]
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